
Knockin' on heaven's door - original song and best versions

About the song (From Wikipedia):

"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" is a song written and performed by Bob Dylan for the soundtrack of the 1973 film Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid. It reached #12 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. In 2004, representatives of the music industry and the press voted it #190 in Rolling Stonemagazine's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time issue... read more

You will find all you want to know about this song on wikipedia and on Bob Dylan's website. I'm just gonna post the original version by Bob Dylan and the most relevant versions featured by some of the biggest monsters of Rock music history.

Songs below are posted chronologically, starting from original version (1973) and ending in 1992 (Freddie Mercury Tribute)

Bob Dylan's original version (From the album Knockin' on Heaven's door 1995)


Eric Clapton

Guns 'N Roses

Freddie Mercury Tribute (20 April 1992 at London's Wembley Stadium)


The Next Mozart? 6-Year Old Piano Prodigy Wows All

6-year old Emily Bear has wowed audiences from the White House to her own house. Playing the piano since age 3, Emily also composes her own music. Has WGN-TV discovered the next Mozart?


Billy Joel and Elton John singing Piano Man

These guys sung this song in Tokyo back in 1998

I'm not sure when the original song was released for the first time by Billy Joel (1985-1986?), but I could find the video. That guy (Billy) really got old pretty quick as you will find out if you compare both videos
